Eat today, for tomorrow we will diet!

The highs and lows of neng_fused

Monday, September 03, 2007

IF not this, then...

If it wasn't this, then it would be same only in other forms.
If it wasn't now, then it could be tomorrow or yesterday.
If it wasn't her, other beings could prosecute the cowardice act. Female male young old stupid wise. A chaos theory.
If it wasn't me, then I wouldn't have been writing this. Another person would.

If it wasn't my patience, I'd leave my marks on another breathing life.
The sensation of it, both of satisfaction and remorse.

If it wasn't my better self, I'd be spreading words. I'd be building an army.
Only, I am not that stupid. Or rather, not AS stupid.

If it wasn't my rationality, self-assessment would not be an option.
Let alone admitting guilt. Lessons would be left out in the cold, refused to be learned.

If it was my weaker half, I'd be holding grudge. As if my entire life depended on it.
As tight as a mother's grasp on her newborn.

If it wasn't ME, I couldn't have dealt. I wouldn't have proceeded.

If it wasn't for my good effin' self!


PS: Bubble-tea anyone???



  • At 1:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    neng..bubble tea satu..perasa strawberry..kurang manis yer..tq.. =P

    p/s : nice poem..u wrote it..?

  • At 11:46 pm, Blogger neng_fused said…

    Yeah, i wrote it. =D

    Ko dtg sini, kite gi lepak minum bubble-tea same2 k?


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