Solar car...YEAY!!!!
Sepatu??? Terompah??? Kasut but hitam??? BUKAN!!!!!!!!
........It is the Nicco Team's Solar Car!!!!!
Yey, Shah, Ib-Gem and I received a Moro bar each today. WHY? COZ WE NAILED OUR SOLAR CAR assignment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! CLAP2!!!!
This is certainly one of the few sweet moments i have of my course. Our solar car underwent tremendous modification, which also translates to us four spending heaps and heaps of time at the workshop: cutting, grinding, sanding, coating, filling, sanding, filling, sanding again, then paint spraying, sanding again, spray lagi.....! Exhausting, iterative process i tell u! Not to mention the time we spent loathing & criticizing watsisface "pakcik berus". Plus, our principle was "biar drag kite tinggi, tp jangan jd team yg plg corot...sudeyh...." Modest bunch of ppl, arent we?
What was awesome was that the outcome came as a complete surprise. We actually thought our drag coefficient Cd to be much, much, much higher. We were so fed-up with it to the point that none of us wanted to keep the then-damned solar car. (obviously aku ar yg simpan last2.... ppuan...simpan sume bende...resit2 pak n sav tahun lepas pon maseh simpan lagi...= P)
Anyhow, our final Cd as calculated by Dr My-laptop-never-works Mark Jermy is of the value 0.12. We were only ranked the sixth/seventh in the class (upper half ok....). Nonetheless it was good enuff to earn us each a chocolate bar. =D
After 3+ years studying at uni, ini kali pertame kiteorg menang something. The prize may just be a choc bar, but pergh! We all bangge siot!!!!! Huhuhu! It was worth it.
On a different note, I'm glad to share a happier news of which my blog (aka aku) obviously needs. Yeah, i do feel good aye? =D
At 5:31 pm,
Anonymous said…
bagus2..tahniah dr aku..
clap clap.. :D
At 5:40 pm,
Anonymous said…
HELL YEAH...bangge sikit tadik..gud job team-mate..!! -mr-i-went-to-fluids-class-sehelai-sepinggang.. :D
At 5:49 pm,
mohd azmir said…
good on ya!! asyik dgr ko merungut jer.. at least sumting diff for this post aye?? =)
At 5:59 pm,
Unknown said…
congratz..menang hadiah akademik ni sgt special sbb jarang skali kite dapat especially time2 uni nih..:)
At 9:07 pm,
Anas said…
At 12:00 am,
Assaif S.N said…
ceria penawar duka
At 6:43 pm,
iQBaL said…
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