L.O.V.E. Counsellor
I've been wondering...Ive been giving out hardcore, deep and philosophical advice and tips of LOVE to others since ..i dont know when...but feels like i do it all the time....But the catch is, that particular area of my life is actually non-existant. Lifeless. Zero.
Then who am i to provide those soothing words of advice? Why did i even bother, knowing that my own lovelife sux?
Coz it actually, in a weird and awkward way, makes me feel good about myself. I feel great when people smile coz of LOVE (well i hope they are after i gv them my two cents worth of thought). Yea...it's true that sometimes some things need to be told even when u know ppl dont wanna know abt them. But hey, LOVE is cruel, and complicated at its worst. So... a lil 'warning' at the initial stage wont hurt, i reckon. If a r'ship blooms, I'd be happy too. I'd be soo pleased wif myself that i'd even do the zapin in the middle of the road. that's how fulfilling it is to be the love guru.
Here comes my honest confession:
Breaking up hurts. it hurts soo bad that i intend to not let others experience it. if i think i can help, i'd give anything to not let others to go through the self-destroying process called the break-up. LOVE shud bring joy and happiness. It shud give one a sense of contentment and motivation. It must be aided with sincerity and honesty. It shouldnt be polluted by break ups and the shit (oopppsss....). It just should not.
So, feel the LOVE people.
FEEL................ THE....................... LOVE.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then who am i to provide those soothing words of advice? Why did i even bother, knowing that my own lovelife sux?
Coz it actually, in a weird and awkward way, makes me feel good about myself. I feel great when people smile coz of LOVE (well i hope they are after i gv them my two cents worth of thought). Yea...it's true that sometimes some things need to be told even when u know ppl dont wanna know abt them. But hey, LOVE is cruel, and complicated at its worst. So... a lil 'warning' at the initial stage wont hurt, i reckon. If a r'ship blooms, I'd be happy too. I'd be soo pleased wif myself that i'd even do the zapin in the middle of the road. that's how fulfilling it is to be the love guru.
Here comes my honest confession:
Breaking up hurts. it hurts soo bad that i intend to not let others experience it. if i think i can help, i'd give anything to not let others to go through the self-destroying process called the break-up. LOVE shud bring joy and happiness. It shud give one a sense of contentment and motivation. It must be aided with sincerity and honesty. It shouldnt be polluted by break ups and the shit (oopppsss....). It just should not.
So, feel the LOVE people.
FEEL................ THE....................... LOVE.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
Wow Neng..u r a love counselor now aye..?good 4 u..n yeah..love hurts sometimes..but..remember i've told u b4 (n of cos some1 told me earlier thn)..?
"Mungkin Tuhan sengaja mahu kita berjumpa dgn org yg salah sebelum menemui insan yg betul supaya apabila kita akhirnya menemui insan yg betul, kita akan tahu bagaimana untuk bersyukur dgn nikmat & hikmah di sebalik pemberian tsbt.."
so..yeah..4 a time being..keep smiling.. =)
At 9:57 pm,
neng_fused said…
Thank you soo much for the wise words...That's really deep, gurl...real deep!
And for the record, I AM SMILING...
At 12:20 am,
Anonymous said…
well said aida! i agree with u. Pengalaman2 begitu membuatkan kite sedar ape sebenarnye yg kite cari dalam partner kite.
kalo kite dah fixed kan kriteria pasangan kite, susah la..hehehe..ape2 pon, bukak pintu hati.terima sape2 yg difikirkan baik.belajar dari pengalaman itu. :)
At 12:34 am,
neng_fused said…
Thank you doc cinta...dont think i dont know who u are.....=P
At 8:11 am,
Anonymous said…
u can call it LOVE if u n ur partner can SHARE everything n COMPLETED each other..(i guess=p)
At 9:37 am,
mohd azmir said…
apabila neng sudah berbicara.....
btw, braper kos bayar eh tuk satu session?? muahahahahahaha..
sure buat byk duit ko kan?
At 6:23 pm,
Anonymous said…
damn!..tetibe aku terasa :p..ape2 pon, dats my honest comment of the day. :)
At 9:14 pm,
Assaif S.N said…
Couldn't agree more...
At 11:42 am,
Anonymous said…
Huhuhu..love counselor dah buka online counseling session.... ramai tak pelanggan...hahah...thnx =D
At 2:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
gosh i am more stressed-out reading your entries that doing audit. ;b
cheer up girl, trust me student life is WAAAAAAAAY better that working =D ask aida if you dont believe me! Hehe
At 4:05 pm,
neng_fused said…
Zafran, lu byk hutang dgn gua...=P
Wawa, fuuhh...ingat lagik ko kat aku. Yer ar sejak jd wanita bekerjaye ni, ingatkan dah tak ingat kat org nz nih.
And Yes, i am cheerful. Enjoying my final cruise of engineering. Hahah!...right..... =D
At 6:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
value your single life while you can, man.. coz sometimes relationship's a bitch.. and frankly, i miss my single life. - azremi
At 10:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
kalo mcm tu sampai bile2 pon jadi single :p..tak pon, break up..and if ppl ask why..."owh i love my single life" :D
At 3:23 pm,
Anonymous said…
i feel THE LOVE alright...hehe
ppl learns in two ways; from own experience and from others' experience.we cant possibly go thru all the things in the world to learn about everything aight..? so share ur LOVE ppl..ngah ngah
At 10:11 pm,
Anonymous said…
Helo Miss L.C.,
Saya ada problem having crush dkt sorang i'm not suppose to, that is dia dah ada gf. Dan dia n gf dia tu dua2 kwn saye. U think u has advice 4 me? Wat i shud do? i think of him everytime siang malam.
ps-sori jumpa blog tak sengaja.
At 11:21 am,
neng_fused said…
hi yg runsing..=D
Im not an actual luv doc or anything, but ill try to help u out k.
Do know that wat ure facing is totally normal. Having a crush on GF's BF is typical. But here's the catch:
1) Think deeper. Do u really, really, really, really like him? possibility is, u dont. Maybe, the real problem is that u envy ur fren for having an awesome bf. Maybe wat is like is not him, but rather, u like the tot of having a bf too...just like ur fren.
2) Open your eyes to the world. There are many more potential guys out there. Dont tie yourself down wif a guy who's dating ur fren! Ure wasting your time gurl, coz he's not gonna waste his time on u! Byk lagi ikan di laut, ingat tuh...
3) Be positive. When u see the ur fren wif his bf, try to think "owh...how sweet...BUT Im getting a BETTER BF! Just wait and see!!!!" =D
Bottom line is, life is just too short to spend ur time thinking abt a guys who's clearly not interested in you (otherwise, he'd be dating u, not ur fren!). So get up, get dressed and meet new ppl. U'll find sumone, im sure.
Watever it is, just remember that LUV shud bring happiness and fulfilment. So pls, dont loose sleep over this guy. Ure better off wif someone else, doll! =D
At 11:02 am,
Anonymous said…
Tenkiu Miss L.C.,
Your advise it helps me a bit. Walaupun saya still think of him jugak sikit2, but i try. Saya baru jumpa dis blog yg bagi many tips in love life, maybe u shud read it 2, http://lovelifetips.blogspot.com/ ada criter about How to Find Your Soulmate Now n byk lagi. TK again.
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