Eat today, for tomorrow we will diet!

The highs and lows of neng_fused

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The past ten days...

One 50% assignment, one report and one hw due on the same day. Then, a test is set on the next day. Yup, the last ten days had been a living hell...which is unfortunately has yet to be over.

I thought starting off early with my design assignment would mean getting it done early too. But not when ur name is NENG. SOLIDWORKS HATES ME! Yes, it's true...Tell me how'd YOU feel when all ur design works was lost to nada after spending long, long, long hours on them. Dah save dlm comp, the next day tgk2 dah hilang. A work that could hv been finished on Saturday had to be dragged to the late sunday evening! Solidworks mmg dengki dgn aku. Thank God for my juniors who were there to accompany and help me. Tenkiu guys! After having 'glading' for God knows how many hours, my daily amount of sleep has reduced significantly to 4-5hrs per day. The dark circles under my eyes reflect this...I now look older than I really am. Urgh! I only hope that all those long hours spent on the design assignment will be worth it. Insya Allah. Amin.

Today I had a fluid test, which was easy peasy greasy measly. Only that there were too many questions that as if thinking for the answer was not an option... Malas la pulak nak komen, kang tak berkat, dpt result teruk. I dont need any bad luck for that to happen really...I can easily mess every test just by being me.

Tonight, i need to write another report. A FORMAL report. Which means, it cant be done in just one hour. Which means, another sleepless night for me. =(

Engineering is slowly, but surely killing me... It is... I can just feel it. No matter how hard i try, it's just the same. everything gets screwed up. I dont know what i learnt in lectures, i hv no idea what the labs were about, i dont know the difference between a binomial and uniform distrbution probability is. Is this damn course too hard or am I getting "less bright" (ie semakin bodoh)? I dont know. I suppose it's me. I suppose I'm not trying hard enuff. But i dont know how hard is hard enuff... How much harder should i try? Will I, on one fateful day, tell myself that enuff is enuff and pack my bags and leave everything behind? Will i convinced myself that i am not cut out for this course (or vice versa?) Haha, NO, of coz not. I am in debt with too many people to even dare to do that. If i could, then THAT could have happen TODAY.

It's now the second day of Ramadhan. What is sad is the fact that I dont 'feel' it. I dont realize that I am fasting. I dont sense the difference and specialty Ramadhan always brings. Coz i was too busy writing reports, calculating power output and explaining why one metal is more ductile than the other metal too even welcome the fasting month.

I'm sleepy. I'm tired. I'm fed up. But i still need to tackle the lab report

Happy Fasting everyone! =D

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Choi Shiwon....

Survey di kala kerje banyak...... =( SIGH!

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :- seseorang yg tiada kaitan dgn saya sekarang.

2. Saya sedang mendengar :- the ticking of my clock... (couldnt translate that into BM..sorry)

3. Mungkin saya patut :- sambung siapkan assignments saye yg berlambak itu...

4. Saya suka :- makan, baking dan menari...

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :- sedang 'bahagia'... Hahahah! Miss ya Tuty n Yonn!

6. Saya tidak faham :- why every assignment has to be submitted on the same day?...

7. Saya kehilangan :- Masa yg boleh digunakan utk bwt assignment ape2pun, lepas ni saya nak ganti tidu..jadi peduli apa...

8. Ramai yang berkata :- saya kalut dan oleh itu bess utk digelakkan....Erm, betulla tuh...

9. Makna nama saya di muka depan Friendstersaya bererti :- adakah semua harus ada maksud yg tertentu....?

10. Cinta itu :- pembaziran masa yg lagi teruk drpd apa yg saya tgh bwt skrg...

11. Di suatu tempat,seseorang sedang:- terkentut...

12. Saya akan cuba :- siapkan assignment dan pergi kuliah pukul 9am esok.

13. Perkataan SELAMANYA membawa maksud:- cinta pada Allah SWT.

14. Saya tidak akan/pernah mahu:- menari tarian traditional

15. Telefon bimbit saya :- ada kesan calar....Azmir nyer pasal...

16. Apabila saya terjaga dari tidur di waktu pagi,- saya bangun sekadar untuk meng'disable'kan alarm clock saya...sebelum kembali berjuang di bwh duvet yg bess...

17. Saya paling meluat apabila :- lecturer design saya enggan me'mostpone' tarikh hantar assignment walhal die tau keesokkan harinya kami ada test penting...

18. Pesta/Parti adalah :- menyeronokkan TAPI sangatla lagha....

19. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernahtemui ialah :- haiwan tidak chomel pada pandangan saya. Busuk ade laa...lepas tu nak bwt2 manje, bajet chomel laa...

20. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :- 20++, kerana dlm peringkat remaja, sy sgt gemok dan tidak hirau akan penampilan dan saiz diri...Hahah!

21. Hari ini :- saya sgt productive...dpt 'absorb' apa yg lecturer ajar...Tp skrg sgt mengantuk...

22. Malam ini saya akan :- belajar...Adakah pilihan yg lain? Tidak rasanya.....

23.Esok pula saya akan :- bangun awal utk ke kuliah...Insya Allah!

24. Saya betul2 inginkan :- boifren yg muke dan bdn macam Choi Siwon, dan gelang diamond (wat's diamond in BM?) seperti dlm gmbr yg diatas.

25. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapancermin pagi ini,apakah perkara pertama yangterlintas di fikiran anda ?- MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kalah Simba nih!

26. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:- Pusat beli-belah, pastinya! Shopping is the fourth thing that i can do well. It comes after eating, dancing n baking. (ooppsss..Bhs Enggeris pulak!)

27. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :- malaysia..Teh ais! Mee goreng mamak! Satay! Kuah kacang! Nasi himpit! Himpunkan SEMUA mknn2 barat, ia tetap tidak akan mampu menandingi kehebatan mknn negara saya! Boleyh dipandang enteng mknn2 barat nih...

28. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :- terang.. tak ngantuk!

29. Makanan segera adalah:- mknn yg paling laku dalam flat saya.

30. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan padaseseorang :- tenkiu Aufa!

31. Pendapat anda tentang orang yang menjawabsoalan ini terdahulu:- HAhaha! Aza, we rock! =D

32. Apa yang dapat memuaskan/menggembirakananda? :- balik ke Malaysia cuti summer ini...Lagi menggembirakan kalau boleh sambut raya bersama keluarga di Malaysia..Tapi, itulah kan...KALAU....

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ikan pari masak asam pedas...

It was awesome... Tenkiu Tengkuk..lain kali, rajin2lah masak lagi k. In return i'll belanje u guys lollies! =D

Damn, Keith Alexander's face has just crossed my mind...WAHAHAHAHHA! =/ Pressure vessel, here i come!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Apabila membaca entri terbaru Saudara Anas di dalam blog beliau, saya rs terpanggil untuk mengeluarkan pendapat ttg EGO. (Ewah, mentang2 Anas yg tulis, tibe2 rs nak tulis dlm BM lak! Hhahaha!)

If my assumption is right, in my fren's case, EGO destroyed (maybe this word is a bit too strong) his previous relationship.

In my case, EGO is beneficial. Tanpa EGO, mungkin maruah diri serta air muka saya sebagai seorang wanita telah saya sendiri cemarkan. Tanpa EGO, barangkali juga saya sudahpun menjadi seakan-akan perigi mencari timba (selepas timba keluar dr perigi dek rimas berada dalam perigi). Tanpa EGO juga, mungkin saya boleh samakan diri saya seperti sekuntum bunga yg menanti dengan penuh harapan seekor kumbang yg satu, walhal kumbang itu telahpon terbang jauh untuk mencari bunga yg lain. Yaa....kebarangkalian untuk semua ini terjadi adalah amat tinggi JIKALAU saya tidak empunya sifat EGO yg agak luarbiasa tahapnya berbanding wanita2 normal yg lain.

Saya EGOISTIK bukan kerana saya fikir saya ini hebat atau bukan kerana saya pandang sinis individu2 yg lain. Malah, lg tepat kalau saya nyatakan bahawa saya EGOISTIK kerana saya takut. Risau. Serik. Saya umpamakan sifat EGO itu sebagai perisai yg mampu melindungi saya.Tidak lebih daripada itu.

Cliche Inggeris berbunyi; LIFE MUST GO ON. Maka untuk itu, saya lengkapkan diri saya dengan EGO.

Sesungguhnya, pengalaman adalah sebaik-baik pengajaran.

PS: This is my first entry in BM...Maaf kalau penulisan ini kurang berkualiti. Hhahaha!

The photo is taken from

Kepada Saudara Anas, I apologize having to base my writing on your entry. I hope you wont find this offensive in any way. =D

Random thoughts at 3am...

Aduh...Hahha, awal2 lg dah mengeluh...

Doesnt time pass you by fast! Tmrw, erm i mean today is Friday already..then weekend (yeay!). But, it seemed like I did the weekly grocery shopping, yesterday! Walhal, dah hampir seminggu berlalu...It's good that time flies by quickly if you're looking forward to go back to M'sia....esok luse, eyh...U're on the flight back home already...But it's a sad story for those who have tonnes...n tonnes of assigments & reports to work on (AKU LAH TUH!). Not to mention that final exams r just around the corner... Aduh... Nevertheless, I am very looking forward to Ramadhan, huhu! Already have plans to prepare lotsa traditional desserts & kuehs... (who says u can diet during fasting month???). Then Raya! Yeyey! Fortunately for me, I dont hv an exam on Raya day... =D

Had been reading the online papers recently. Apparently, the 'in' trend of Malaysian ppl nowadays is young women marry MUCH, MUCH OLDER, RICH men. After Siti's wedding, there had been several similar phenomena. I think it's outrageous! Is it desperation, or is it money, or is it love??? It's like, "Pakcik, saye akan kawen dgn pakcik kalau pakcik sediakan sebijik BMW sebagai hantaran perkahwinan!" It's not logical... Heck, i think recystallization process (materials, my mechy frens!) makes more sense than this... Where are all the young, eligible bachelors?

Well, my besfren Tuty answered the Q. "Well, men between 20 to 29 years date for fun... They'll settle down when they reach the big 3-0." If this is true, does this mean that I'll end up wif an older, wealthy man? Rich, i dont mind (ahaha!) ...but older? Like, as old as my Dad?? Mak ai! Mintaklah dijauhkan! Although, a young yet matured man is a rare find nowadays. (FAKTA! FACT!). Damn, ini mengukuhkan lagi argument kenapa ppuan muda kawen dgn laki tua! EErrrr! Geli2!!! =/

Man, this issue gives me the shivers...baik aku tido! Insya Allah tak mimpi kawen dgn laki tua! Huahuhahua! Nite2 (or should i say, Morning!) ;p

Btw, this is one pantun melayu klasik which i've just came across:
Singapura dilanggar todak,
Kapal karam di Tanjung Beringin,
Orang tua beristerikan budak,
Macam beruk mendapat cermin.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Dead or Alive

Simply a movie which manipulates gurls...It's like saying....Owh if u dont hv big boobs or mile-long legs or face like an angel, u can't be a hero(-ine) and save the world from bad guys... HURMPH! This sort of movie is probably made by a bunch of perverts who want to work with a bunch of bimbos and uses a movie as an excuse...

So...anyone up for Dead or Alive this friday? Hahhahahahahahahahahhaha! I'd rather play the PS game.... =/

Friday, September 08, 2006

Shitty day

Well... it's been shitty today....and the past few days...

Thank god for good least i could still "refer" to their i wish i could refer to them during tests/exams too! =D

Results... arent very encouraging..wat to do? 'KAPIANG!' Study lebih lagi la wei! Duh! Sabar, rezeki takde kot... =/

Suddenly in class, a fellow kiwi, coursemate asked whether i no how to make 'roti the Malaysian pancake'.... where on earth did he come acrross roti canai, I myself had totally no idea...But i said no...Had to respect this guy..Even I as a malaysian do not bother to learn to prepare roti canai...Well, ppl often take small things for granted, after all!

Then today got CMSA meeting...AGM in two-weeks time.... Has been a very productive and successful year for CMSA! SO glad that I am part of this year's committee...=D

Tak lame lg puase...BESSNYA! Then Raye, then exam...SIOTNYA!

Read an article abt Tun M vs Pak Lah...aduh...two gigantic figures in the malay who am I suppose to look up to? Who is right? How will the dispute between these two leaders do the already confused albeit ignorant (read: Melayu mudah lupa) malays any good? Aduh, mmg mcm2.... many random thoughts...Has been a shitty day like i go figure...

Almost forgot....This is my first post for my new blog...I'm sure lotsa ppl had been annoyed by the frequent "neng has updated her frenster blog" email notifications..Sorry guys, not my fault! Frenster yg rajin hantar, ok?

Man...feel like having my third bowl of ice-cream for the day...Owh well, can always diet tmrw!!! (read: see my blog title! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Tata! Hoping for better days to come =D After all, there's always Doa n hope!