"This Zakaria mess (and many more yet to be revealed) is far more destructive and corrosive to the fabric of our society than the current wildly publicized tiff between Abdullah and Mahathir.......
.......For Malays however, the damage is considerable. We are sending precisely the wrong message to our people. That is, in order to succeed or afford a mansion and other trappings of the “good life,” we do not have to study diligently or work hard but merely ingratiate ourselves to the powerful in order to hog our own little spot at the public trough.
The message we send to non-Malays is equally destructive. That is, we Malays are a race of rogues. We tolerate such nonsense because we harbour our own secret ambition to be like them. This more than anything is what makes me mad and angry with these scoundrels.
By Aristotle’s Nichomechean ethics, it is not enough to be angry. That is the easy part. We have to be angry at the right people, at the right time, for the right purpose, and express that anger in the right way. Slimy characters like Zakaria and his superior Khir Toyo make it easy. We cannot be angry enough at their types. We must totally abhor them. They bring dishonour to our race and nation.
Let me assure non-Malays that the Zakaria Mat Deroses and Khir Toyos are not representative of my race, at least not yet. These “ugly Malays,” to borrow Syed Hussein’s phrase, are fast becoming and will be the norm if we do nothing, by in effect tolerating them. We do have our share of the hard working, the honest, and the frugal. Yes, we are fast shrinking, that we sadly agree."
Very aptly and precisely put, Sir! I couldnt agree more.
Excerpt is courtesy of the writer, M.Bakri Musa. For more of his writings, check out
At 8:16 am,
sangkuriang said…
neng.. M bakri musa ni is another one a good writer of Malaysia.. U should read his book, 'the malay dilemma rechecked' ke apa ntah, aku pun tak brapa ingat.. tapi orang cakap best... thanks for sharing this article .. =)
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