Eat today, for tomorrow we will diet!

The highs and lows of neng_fused

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Library Mode

Presently at the engr library (wah...sungguh tak sangke...coz I used to hate libraries). Yea well, I finally accepted the fact that i couldnt get any studying done in my room. Bessnye katil n duvet n bantal kesayangan..Nah, more time for that AFTER the finals... =D For the time being, I would have to fight the urge to go back and catch up on Greys Anatomy and Desperate housewives.... Bak kate Aufa, "cintaku hanya pada buku".

OWh, time's up.

I'm off!


  • At 5:55 pm, Blogger mohd azmir said…

    i dont see the link betweem ur pic and ur post??
    enlighten me!! hohoh..
    btw, happy studyin...

  • At 7:16 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    hehe..budak tu nampak decent and innocent.apa2 pon,study hard neng.


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