Leaving on a jet plane
Am leaving for Malaysia in less than 24 hours, but apparently having mixed feelings about it.
Am excited to see my family whom Ive left for about ten months.
Am sad having to part ways with my frens who've been here with me throughout the year (and the two previous years). May we see one another again next year, no matter where,
when or how. =)
Am frustrated coz too scared to finish an unfinished business. But I suppose, it's better to just let it stay unfinished...
Have a nice holiday, everyone! I love you all! =D
Am leaving for Malaysia in less than 24 hours, but apparently having mixed feelings about it.
Am excited to see my family whom Ive left for about ten months.
Am sad having to part ways with my frens who've been here with me throughout the year (and the two previous years). May we see one another again next year, no matter where,
when or how. =)
Am frustrated coz too scared to finish an unfinished business. But I suppose, it's better to just let it stay unfinished...
Have a nice holiday, everyone! I love you all! =D
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